Just sitting at the table
Rounded by green grass and trees (treast!)
Sounded by ravens and birds (breasts!)
I wonder what's the human will:
Survive or die?
A small sparrow to me closest
Silently waits for an ounce of life.
Looking at the magnificent oaks
Sipping any single ray of the Sun
And stand, and grow, and help...
What does the human do?
They cut, they burn, destroy,
They eat the earth under their own feet (feast!)
But still there is Someone
Who stays, observes, muses
And spreads the holy energy to go on
To make the earth, the birds, the trees
And thence even the humanst survive...
Now I can finish my teast!
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Profilo Autore: Axel  

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# Axel 13-11-2023 15:30
Teast è un neologismo nato oggi al bar dalla fusione di tea e toast. Come i termini assonanti in parentesi esagerano qualche strofa, in un tentativo di gioco di parole tra piacevole e spiacevole, come è anche il significato stesso di toast, di un cibo gustoso ma anche di un senso 'abbrustolito'!

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